Ce inseamna de fapt Erotic SPA?
Pachetul erotic spa+masaj e destinat sa iti ofere relaxare maxima! Imbina o ora de acces exclusiv la jacuzzi si sauna, insotit de maseuza aleasa, urmata de o ora de masaj erotic in camera de masaj.
Pachetul dureaza in total 2 ore (120 minute).
Clientul isi alege maseuza (sau maseuzele) si insotit de aceasta face jacuzzi si sauna timp de o ora.
Tinuta clientului este nud (avem si halate pentru cei mai timizi).
In a doua ora a pachetului se efectueaza masajul erotic propriu-zis, intr-una din camerele destinate masajului.
Noblesse Unic – Private Massage & SPA are marele avantaj al integrarii unei zone de spa profesionale.
Baia romana cuprinde un jacuzzi dotat cu hidromasaj, aeromasaj si cromoterapie, cu o capacitate de 6-8 persoane. Mentionam si ca in jacuzzi exista o zona speciala destinata terapiei lombare.
Aromaterapia si meloterapia pot completa atmosfera din baia romana.
Tot in aceasta incapere gasim si un pat de piatra, care are utilizari multiple, fiind dotat cu o instalatie de termoterapie si prevazut cu cristale de jad.
Astfel, fie ca aveti probleme cu spatele si doriti un remediu eficace, fie ca doriti sa experimentati senzatii noi, puteti alege sa efectuati masajul pe acest pat de piatra incalzit si sa beneficiati din plin de terapia prin caldura de contact si prin caldura de iradiere.
Zona de SPA mai cuprinde, intr-o incapere separata, o sauna finlandeza uscata, cu capacitatea de 6 persoane si temperatura maxima de 110 grade Celsius.
Complementar exista dusurile, toaletele si vestiarele dedicate zonei de SPA.
Optiunea de a face SPA poate fi aleasa numai suplimentar unei ore de masaj.
SPA-ul poate fi efectuat insotit de una sau mai multe maseuze, a caror tinuta va fi topless.
In timpul orei de SPA nu se efectueaza masaj, ci maseuzele insotesc clientul in jacuzzi, in sauna, creand o atmosfera deosebita.
Rasfatul poate fi chiar mai mare, cu o sampanie fina sau un coctail elegant.
Efectuarea unei ore de Erotic SPA, urmata de ora de masaj, reprezinta solutia garantata pentru relaxarea totala a trupului si spiritului, multi clienti alegand salonul nostru tocmai pentru acest fapt.
Anthony Wood
Was wondering what services your offer to
Bachelor parties and prices.
Thanks in Advance
Noblesse Unic
Hello Anthony. We offer best bachelor parties of erotic massage parlors from Bucharest. We sent you by email already the required informations and prices. Have a nice week.
buna ziua , pentru o petrecere a burlacilor ce ne ati putea oferi?
Noblesse Unic
Buna George,
Petrecerile burlacilor pe care le organizam in salonul de masaj erotic Noblesse Unic nu sunt foarte multe, insa sunt extrem de reusite. Detalii si preturi ti-am trimis pe email!
Buna,as dori sa imi trimiteti pe mail tarifele ptr clasic si erotic spa si daca te poti intelege cu fata cat de mult o poti atinge si asa mai departe.Va multumesc anticipat si astept raspunsul dumneavoastra ptr a ne putea vedea cat mai repede posibil.
Noblesse Unic
Buna Cobra,
Ti-am trimis pe mail tarifele solicitate. Atingerile sunt permise in limita bunului simt si cat sa nu produca disconfort maseuzei.
Buna, as dori sa imi trimiteti pe mail tarifele ptr clasic si erotic spa. Va multumesc si astept raspunsul dumneavoastra pt a ne putea vedea cat mai repede posibil.
Noblesse Unic
Buna. Ti-am trimis deja informatiile solicitate. Te asteptam!
can you please inform me about your price list
Noblesse Unic
Hello, we already sent you the required informations to your email address.
Hello, can i have the list prices please?
Noblesse Unic
Ciao Marco,
Prices of our erotic massage and spa services have been sent to your email address already.
Have a nice time in Bucharest!
Hi could you inform me about your price list pls thx.
Noblesse Unic
Hi there Ares,
We sent you one email regarding your request about the price list for erotic massage.
Please send me the price list
I would like to know how much is it for this masaj+sauna
See u
Noblesse Unic
Hello John. I am glad you like our 2 hours package of erotic spa. About the price, we sent you by email one full price list of our erotic services.
Jakub Romanowski
please send me prices
Noblesse Unic
Hi Jakub. I do hope that our price list will make you visit us :-)))
can you please send me a price list for bachelor party with one and two girls
Noblesse Unic
Hello. To have an erotic bachelor party in our location, there must to be at least 6 girls involved.
Our standard bachelor party length is 3 hours.
You must be at least 6 guests, or pay for 6 guests if you are less.
That is because of our size and the fact that you will get exclusivity for our location.
We sent you already one email with all the details.
Buna, as dori sa imi trimiteti pe mail tarifele ptr erotic bachelor party si alte detalii legate de acest pachet (participa doar viitorul mire? ..etc.)
Buna, as dori sa imi trimiteti pe mail tarifele pentru serviciile Noblesse.
Noblesse Unic
Buna Jean,
Ti-am trimis emailul solicitat. Te asteptam!
can you send your pricelist please?
Noblesse Unic
Hello there! We sent you one email with all the informations you requested. Even over the summmer we have a lot of nice ladies waiting to ofer you the best erotic massage ever!
Hi could you inform me about your price list pls thx.
Noblesse Unic
Hello Bar. I am glad to inform you that I already sent our updated price list to your email address provided. Visit us to have a great time!
Buna seara ,
Va rog o lista de preturi servicii si bar.
Daca oferiti servicii suplimentare astept mail de la dvs.
Noblesse Unic
Buna Andrei. Ti-am trimis email cu preturile. Serviciile noastre le ai listate integral pe site.
can you please inform me about your price list
Noblesse Unic
Hello Jh,
Our price list and other details have been forwarded already to your email address provided.
Buna ziua, as vrea si eu o lista de preturi pentru petrecerea burlacilor. Va multumesc!
Noblesse Unic
Buna Roberta,
Ti-am trimis pe email informatiile cerute despre petrecerea burlacilor la Noblesse Unic Bucuresti.
Price list please?
Noblesse Unic
Hello Zouros,
We already sent you one email regarding the info requested!
Hello,can you tell me what includes first hour in jaccuzi ..Can I touch girl all body, what she doing for me, and what about drinks in spa? regards
And can you send me all price?
Noblesse Unic
Hi there. We sent you the price list by email.
Noblesse Unic
Hello, the first hour in jacuzzi allows you to get to know better your chosen girl. Of course you can touch the girl, cuddle her and stay close to her and play with her. But the massage is performed by the girl in the massage room, in the 2nd hour of the erotic spa package. You may have any drinks you want from the bar menu, just order them to receptionist and pay them accordingly.
Can you send me a price list there is a group of 15 coming over next week
Noblesse Unic
Hello Dave. I sent you one email regarding your requests. If you are a group of 7 customers or more, and your intention is to use our services all of you, you may request for an exclusivity when you book, and you will be in that case the only group in our location when you arrive!
Mircea Alexandru
O oferta completa pentru petrecerea burlacilor si pt absolut toate serviciile disponibile ,va rog.
Noblesse Unic
Buna Mircea,
Ti-am scris un email despre serviciile de masaj erotic pe care le oferim si despre modalitatea in care organizam petrecerea burlacilor la salonul de masaj erotic Noblesse Unic.
Would like to book an Erotica Spa treatment with two girls that are very young. Who do you recommend? Also girls must be very small bodies if possible. Thank you
Noblesse Unic
Hi Brian,
First of all you must specify the time of the booking. Then, any bookings must be confirmed by a phone call from that customer, made about 1 hour in advance from the required booking time. We do have very young girls, the youngest is 18 years old. You will be able to find different body types, including small bodies, depending of the time of your booking and the girls availability at that moment. But for sure you will be satisfied!
I am wondering how much will cost this ?
Noblesse Unic
We already sent our 2015 price list to your email address!
erotid spa pt cuplu se poate ?
daca e posibil un pret si ceva detalii
Noblesse Unic
Buna Mihai,
Se poate erotic spa pentru cupluri.
Ti-am trimis un mail cu informatiile si preturile soliciate despre masaj erotic pentru cupluri si erotic spa pentru cuplu.
as vrea si o lista de preturi pentru toate tipurile de masaj
Noblesse Unic
Buna Mihai,
Ai pe email lista solicitata despre tipurile de masaj erotic.
Good Evening . i would like know the prices for the classic erotic massage and for the erotic spa .
Thank you for the attention
Noblesse Unic
Cioa Alfio,
Abbiamo già inviato una e-mail sui nostri Spa e massaggi erotice prezzi.
Bună ziua, m ar interesa o ofertă cat mai explicita pentru o petrecere a burlacilor. Vom fi in jur de 6 persoane.
Va multumesc
Noblesse Unic
Buna Catalin,
O sa iti trimitem un email cu o oferta personalizata de petrecere a burlacilor la Noblesse Unic – Masaj Erotic Bucuresti.
,as dori sa-mi trimiteti pe mail tarifele ptr clasic si erotic spa
Noblesse Unic
Buna Amedeo,
Ti-am trimis pe email detaliile solicitate despre serviciile noastre de masaj erotic.
Hello ;
I m writing from Turkey. I want to get information about your services.
I’ll come to Bucharest on june 2015 for a few days with my friend, and after that trip my friend gonna be married . I want to make him an interesting party for one night . My question about your workers can just make us only massage ? And can they stay with us for a night ? I want 4 friends from your company for a night i ll rent an apartment or if you say something different i can think on it ? How much money will i need ? Not certain price . And by the way i would like to hear your offer about that party night ?
O zi placuta
Noblesse Unic
Hello Orhan,
For sure you will have a lot of fun in Bucharest. About your party ideea, we think the best option will be to have a package of 2 hours or Erotic Spa in our club. If you want to have 2 girls for each of you, this is even better. In our location you will choose from at least 6 girls, and our Spa area is very good for parties. About our full offer and prices, we sent you one email.
Hi can you send me list of prices please ?
Noblesse Unic
Hello Burak,
We sent you the requested info about erotic massage services.
Have a nice weekend!
Can you sent me the prices pls must important is the jacuzzi one
Noblesse Unic
Hello Tom,
We rushed up to send you an email with all our erotic massage and spa prices, including jacuzzi.
We hope to have you as our guest soon!
can you please send me a price list please
Noblesse Unic
Hello Hasan,
We sent you the actual price list for erotic massage & spa services that we provide.
What are your prices and which girls are available for Oct 27 afternoon
Noblesse Unic
Hi there VV,
If you want a booking, or you have questions that you need a quick answer in less than 24 hours, please email us or phone our reception desk directly.
Sometimes it takes a while to answer comments on website.
As dori detaliile despre serviciile pentru o petrecere a burlacilor. Va multumesc
Noblesse Unic
Ti-am trimis un email cu detaliile referitoare la petrecerea burlacilor.
Sper sa vi se para ok si sa fiti oaspetii nostri!
Buna ziua,
As dori o oferta de pret pentru o petrecere a burlacilor.
Noblesse Unic
Buna Daniel,
Ti-am trimis pe email detalii despre petrecerea burlacilor la Noblesse Unic
Buna ziua,
As vrea o lista de tarife, in special pentru “Erotic SPA”. In zona de sauna si jacuzzi inteleg ca vor mai fi si alti clienti… este corect?
Noblesse Unic
Buna Daniel,
Scuze pentru intarzierea cu care raspundem mesajului tau, in general raspundem in maximum 24 ore.
Ti-am trimis pe email tarifele.
In zona de spa accesul este exclusiv. Adica nu te poti intalni cu alti clienti.
Exceptia este cand vii impreuna cu prietenii tai, ca grup. Atunci puteti alege sa faceti spa impreuna.
Zona de spa are o capacitate de 8-10 persoane, in acest numar se includ si clientii si maseuzele alese de ei pentru pachetul spa.
Pentru o petrecere a burlacilor aveti o oferta cumva? 10-15 persoane am fi
Noblesse Unic
Buna Andrei,
Ti-am trimis un email cu detaliile solicitate despre petrecerea burlacilor la Noblesse Unic.
As fi interesat de mai multe detalii in legatura cu petrecerea burlacilor. Tarife, ore, ce include o astfel de petrecere pentru 10 persoane.
Multumesc !
Noblesse Unic
Buna Alexandru,
Ti-am trimis pe email detaliile solicitate despre petrecerea burlacilor.
Price list please
Noblesse Unic
Hello Neil,
We are happy to send you via e-mail our price list for erotic services.
Please send price list for classic, and also for spa + massage. Is there a discount for 2 girls?
Noblesse Unic
Hi there Josh,
We sent you via e-mail the price list.
Yes, there is a discount of about 10-20% if you choose 2 girls simultaneously, depending on the package and type of services.
As dori o oferta de preturi pentru o petrecere a burlacilor, 10 persoane si ce presupune. Multumesc anticipat!
Noblesse Unic
Buna Liviu,
Ti-am trimis pe email oferta solicitata.
Va asteptam la petrecerea burlacilor la Noblesse Unic!
Hi , can you send me the price list
Noblesse Unic
Hello Ashle,
The price list has been already sent to your e-mail address.
See you soon!
Can you please send me the price list for a private party?
I will be in Bucharest in Oct end.
Noblesse Unic
Hello Adrian,
We sent you via e-mail the details about our private and bachelor parties.
See you soon!
Can you provide me with details for bachelor party?
Noblesse Unic
Hi there Simone,
The details about the bachelor party, together with the current prices, have been sent to you e-mail address.
See you soon!
Can I have price list?
Hello can I receive an analytical catalogue with the prices and the special
Services you can provide !
Noblesse Unic
Hello there John,
We sent you already via e-mail the requested catalogue.
See you soon!
Hello can I receive an analytical catalogue with the prices and the special
Services you can provide !
Thank you very much
Noblesse Unic
Hello Brux,
We sent you already one email containing the requested catalog.
See you soon!
Can you send me the price list ? Thanks :)
Noblesse Unic
Hello Richard,
Thanks for you plan to visit us.
We sent you already one email regarding our price list.
Can I know the cost for 3 hours of theses two kind of massage
1-Erotic Body Massage – classic
2- Erotic SPA
Does both include happy ending?
thanks in advance.
Noblesse Unic
Hello Malik,
We sent you via e-mail our full price list.
Currently all types of our massage sessions are including a happy ending!
Massimo T.
Potrei avere un listino prezzi ? Sarò a Bucarest per dal 2 giugno al 4 giugno per il mio addio al celibato. E’ incluso il lieto fine ?
Noblesse Unic
Ciao Massimo,
Il listino prezzi è stato inviato via e-mail.
Tutte le nostre sessioni di massaggio sono compresi un lieto fine.
Ci vediamo a giugno!
Hello. May I have your full services list including the price?
Thank you!
Noblesse Unic
Hello Christian,
Thanks for inquiring.
We sent you one email regarding the requested price list.
See you soon!
could I have a service list with price ?
Thank you
Noblesse Unic
Hello Andy,
I am glad you’re interested in our Erotic SPA package.
The full details and prices have been sent to you via e-mail.
See you soon!
can you send me your detailed price list?
Thank you
Noblesse Unic
Hello Steve,
Erotic SPA is a wonderful sensorial experience.
You got our full list of erotic massage and spa services via e-mail.
See you shortly!
could I have a service list with price?
Noblesse Unic
Ciao Enzo,
The price list of our erotic massage services have been sent to your email address.
Can you send me the price list all the package that including Jaccuzi?
Noblesse Unic
Hello Yosi,
We already sent to you, via e-mail, our current price list for erotic massage and spa services.
See you soon!
List of services and prices
Noblesse Unic
Hello Tyler,
Your requested list will be sent out to your email ASAP.
Hello please i need the services price list
Noblesse Unic
Hello Mike,
Our prices have been sent to your email address already
See you soon!
Please send price list to my e-mail.
Noblesse Unic
Hello Sab,
We sent our price list for the amazing services that we offer!
See you soon…
can you send me pricelist?
Noblesse Unic
Hello Nish,
Of course will send you our full price list for erotic massage & SPA
Alberto Conte
could you please send me list of services and prices?
Noblesse Unic
Ciao Alberto,
We sent you via email our full list of prices and services!
See you soon…
Can you please send me the price list? Greetings from Finland.
Noblesse Unic
Hello Axel,
We sent you our full list of prices and services via email.
See you soon!
please send me the price list
Noblesse Unic
Hi there Haitham,
We sent you already our price list for erotic massage services and spa.
See you soon!
Can you please send me the price list.
I’m also interested for a birthday party. What can you offer me for a group of 3 man?
Thank you in advance!
Noblesse Unic
Hello Alex,
We sent you the price list for erotic massage and spa services.
See you!
Hi I want an appointment for 20/1 at 16:00
For the spa massage
Is it avalaible?
Can you give me prices?
Noblesse Unic
Hello Nasos,
We sent you the price list via e-mail.
About your appointment, you have to email us 1 day in advance or to call us on that day 20/1 so we can process your booking.
See you soon!
Pentru aniversarea iubitului meu si a mea, as dori sa stiu cateva detalii despre masajul de cuplu cu 2 maseuze:
1. Inainte de masajul de cuplu putem avea fiecare dintre noi un masaj erotic, separat, de 60min?
2. Se poate masaj de cuplu + SPA?
3. Care sunt preturile si regulile de conduita? Ce avem voie sa facem, cum avem voie sa atingem sau sa fim atinsi de maseuze, etc?
4. Sotul meu si-ar dori un show erotic in care sa fiu si eu implicata cu maseuzele…doar ca nu am mai facut aceasta niciodata si nici nu pot spune ca stiu ce sa initiez si/ sau care sunt limitele. Ma pot ghida maseuzele in acest sens?
Multumesc mult!
Noblesse Unic
Buna Elena,
Va felicitam pentru alegerea facuta de a incerca un masaj erotic la cuplu la Noblesse Unic!
O sa raspund punctual intrebarilor tale:
1. Da, e posibil ca inainte de masajul de cuplu sa puteti avea fiecare dintre voi cate un masaj erotic separat de 60 minute.
2. Desigur ca se poate masaj de cuplu + SPA, pachetul dureaza 120 minute si chiar va recomandam aceasta varianta
3. Regulile de conduita sunt in limita bunului simt, astfel incat sa nu se simta nimeni inconfortabil. Sigur ca e voie sa atingeti si sa fiti atinsi. Preturile si regulile complete le trimitem catre voi prin email
4. Foarte buna ideea unui show erotic intre tine si maseuze, sigur te vor ghida maseuzele noastre, va recomandam versiunea VIP Fantezie a masajului erotic la cuplu pentru mai multa “joaca”.
Va asteptam!