In aceasta pagina gasiti ultimele noutati, promotii si oferte din salonul nostru de masaj erotic, precum si programul zilnic al maseuzelor.
PROGRAM FUNCTIONARE SARBATORI 2024-2025 (Craciun si Revelion)
Salonul de masaj erotic Noblesse Unic Bucuresti va fi DESCHIS si in perioada sarbatorilor de iarna, vom avea inchis doar cateva zile.
Dupa cum vedeti lucram intre Craciun si Revelion si apoi redeschidem cu program normal incepand de Vineri 3 ianuarie.
Deoarece in unele zile programul de functionare poate suferi modificari, va rugam sa va faceti o programare telefonica inainte de a veni la noi.
Luni 23.12.2024 – Deschis 16:00 - 04:00am
Marti 24.12.2024 – INCHIS
Miercuri 25.12.2024 – INCHIS
Joi 26.12.2024 – INCHIS
Vineri 27.12.2024 – Deschis 16:00 - 04:00am
Sambata 28.12.2024 – Deschis 16:00 - 04:00am
Duminica 29.12.2024 – Deschis 16:00 - 04:00am
Luni 30.12.2024 – Deschis 16:00 - 04:00am
Marti 31.12.2024 – INCHIS
Miercuri 01.01.2025 – INCHIS
Joi 02.01.2025 – INCHIS
Vineri 03.01.2025 – Deschis 16:00 - 04:00am
Sambata 04.01.2025 – Deschis 16:00 - 04:00am
Duminica 05.01.2025 – Deschis 16:00 - 04:00am
Tuturor clientilor si colaboratorilor nostri, le dorim sincer
Ce fete puteti gasi astazi la noi in salon?
13/01/2025 Luni
Deschis intre orele: 16-04am
Program fete
16-02am Camelia, Melissa, Ruxy
18-04am Delia
Receptionist: Lily
Va asteptam!
Program estimat al fetelor pe zilele urmatoare:
14/01/2025 Marti
Deschis intre orele: 16-04am
Program fete
16-02am Camelia, Melissa
18-04am Delia, Eva, Maya (fata noua)
Receptionist: Lily
Va asteptam!
15/01/2025 Miercuri
Deschis intre orele: 16-04am
Program fete
16-22 Amira
16-02am Camelia, Melissa, Ruxy
18-04am Delia, Eva, Kayla
Receptionist: Lily
Va asteptam!
Hai sa tinem legatura pe Facebook!
Afla repede stirile de la Noblesse Unic.
Fii primul informat legat de programul zilnic al maseuzelor.
Iti facem si nou un cadou de ziua ta! Viziteaza-ne chiar de ziua ta (sau o zi mai inainte sau cu o zi dupa, daca esti prea ocupat chiar in ziua magica). Cumpara un masaj erotic clasic, erotic VIP fantezie sau pachet SPA, si primesti pe loc 100 Ron discount la nota de plata. Clientul trebuie sa faca dovada datei nasterii cu un act de identitate.
Aceasta oferta nu poate fi cumulata cu alte oferte/promotii/discounturi. Masajele de 30 minute, precum si serviciile care includ 2 maseuze simultan sunt excluse din oferta.
Va asteptam sa va faceti si o programare rapida online de acum.
Dureaza doar 1 minut.
Nu e nevoie de card bancar!
Veti nevoie doar de o adresa valida de email, iar plata se face cand ajungeti la salon!
Contact WhatsApp
Puteti sa ne contactati si pe WhatsApp. Numarul il gasiti in sectiunea Contact.
E gata topul!
Am actualizat topul maseuzelor, e bine sa aruncati o privire in pagina Foto maseuze sa vedeti care dintre fete a fost cea mai apreciata de catre clientii nostri luna trecuta...
V-am facut curiosi?
Avem cateva superbe domnisoare maseuze noi.
Bun venit in echipa Noblesse!
I am one fan client of yours and tomorrow (sunday 23 ) I will be in Bucharest again! I’ve just planned to come there in your wonderful Club in the afternoon …Let’s say at 3.00p.m. and I like to know in advance who of yours beautiful girls will be present
Thanks and … see you soon!
Max IT
I would like to stay in your club 3 hours with two girls
so please inform me how much in us dollar
Noblesse Unic
Thank you for your inquire.
You will receive soon an email from our receptionist to explain you what are the costs for different packages you can have with 2 girls.
We call this double massage, when both girls are performing simultaneously a session of erotic massage with a customer.
buna, cit face 1 ora de masaj —.?
How much for a massage head to toe. I am here tonight sat and until Monday morning so the I could do Sunday morning about 11.30am or some time tomorrow daytime?! Also which girls will be available.
Please mail me back asp.
Kind regards
Noblesse Unic
We try to update daily the schedule of the girls. If you visit the section Hot Deals and News from the main page, you will be able to see the latest news and girls schedule.
All massages we offer are including a massage from head to toe… Details you can get from Services section.
Don’t forget to call our reception to book an appointment 30 minutes before your planned visit.
And we are opening at 12pm (noon).
yossi shel
I want a massge in my hotel room friday 14:00(tomorrow).
How much it cost for one hour?
Do you have blonde massager?
I wanted to know the prices for bachelor party?
Noblesse Unic
Hello Elad,
Bachelor party can be organized for 5 to 10 people and have a standard lenght of about 3 hours.
For more details and pricing we will email you.
im interesting to come to have a massage this evening or tomorrow evening, can you please let me know the prices of the different massages. whice girls are working today?
Noblesse Unic
We are glad you decided to give us a chance to offer you pleasure moments. To see what girls are working daily just read front lines of this page, usually is updated regularly with girls schedule and hot deals of the day. Anyway we did send you by email answers to all your questions. Good luck!
Hi, I am looking for an erotic double massage. One blonde and other brunette. Please give me full details of what I can do with them and what they can do to me and with each other? And what will be the price and timing?
Noblesse Unic
We have a lot of girls available for your desire. To see which one is blonde and which one is brunette you just have to browse our Girls Photos page to see their profiles and pictures. Also we recommend you to choose a double erotic massage combined with an erotic show between the 2 chosen girls. We will email you details and pricing for this option.
Hi can you tell me which girls are working today? Also what are your prices?
Thank you
Noblesse Unic
Hello Harry. We try to update the schedule of the working girls daily, usually before 6pm, on this page, Promotions and News. Anyway, we prepared one email for you with answers to all your questions. Have a nice weekend and we are waiting for your visit! (Update: our email came back, it seems you filled an incorrect email h……..2(at), please get back to us with another email address)
Tanta roba, veramente
Buna seara,
Va rog sa-mi spuneti care dintre fete pot fi gasite la salon in aceasta seara? O seara deosebit de frumoasa!
Noblesse Unic
Buna ziua. Cel mai bine pentru a afla informatii prompte despre programul fetelor din orele imediat urmatoare este sa sunati la receptie. Uneori dureaza un timp pana raspundem la comentarii, de aceea telefonul ramane cea mai rapida modalitate de contact. De obicei raspundem la orice numar ne suna si puteti sta fara grija la confidentialitate, receptionerele noastre niciodata nu va vor suna inapoi si nici nu pastram numerele celor ce ne suna in vreo baza de date.
Hi there,
Tonight I want to come for a Nice erotic massage.
Could you let me know the possibility and pricing
See you tonight
Noblesse Unic
Hi there. Tonight we are open and there are a lot of nice girls in our massage parlor. We sent you one email also. Please use phone call for appointment.
gian carlo
Buon giorno, mi trovo a Bucarest per lavoro, vorrei sapere il costo per un massaggio per questa sera. Grazie Gian Carlo
Noblesse Unic
Ciao Gian Carlo,
Siamo aperti questa sera e si possono trovare tante belle e giovani ragazze per massaggio erotico. Ti abbiamo inviato una email relativa i prezzi.
im interesting to come to have a massage this evening or tomorrow evening, can you please let me know the prices of the different massages. whice girls are working today?
Noblesse Unic
Hello Jef,
We are looking forward to welcome you in our club!
The fastest way to communicate with us is by phoning our reception desk.
We sent you one email also, regarding your requests.
Hi, I will visit you some days later. But I have never been to Bucharest. How can I get to your location? My hotel will be Ramada Parc Hotel. If I take a taxi, what address do I have to tell taxi driver? I am interested in double massage. Can you send me your detailed price list by email? Thank you.
Noblesse Unic
Hello Jimmy. Do not worry, Bucharest is one of the safest places of Europe. From your hotel Ramada Parc to our location, downtown, it is only a 15 minutes drive. First phone us for a booking, then tell the taxi driver our address, 8 Leonida Street, Sector 2. About the prices we sent you one email. Have a nice trip in Romania!
Sinla Cayer
Hi, can you send to me your price details all kinds of massage!
Noblesse Unic
We are glad that you like our website. We sent you already the information requested, by email
Hi i’m interested in your price list, could you send across to me.
Noblesse Unic
Hello Blake. Thank you for your intention to visit us. A comprehensive email regarding erotic massage services and prices have been already sent across to you.
Hi, can you send to me your price details all kinds of massage!
Noblesse Unic
Hiya Chester,
Thanks for your inquiries. It have been already addressed by email toward you.
I had an awesome time with Natalia. She was 100% about me. She was wild and fun. The massage was incredible…she’s got some strong hands. Go see her, have a great time. Leave with a huge smile on your face. It was my best experience in the city!
Noblesse Unic
Zach, thanks for your feedback. Natalia is doing indeed a great job. We are glad that we succeeded in making you so happy!
Any photos with the new girls?
Noblesse Unic
Hi again Chester. As soon as the new girls will have some photos taken, we will upload them to our site.
Hi, went back since I got good offer, because of last time experience, and this time I got Natalia she is incredible indeed, she is everything what you can expect and massage excellent, nice lady all my respect for her, words can not describe, you need to try. Thank you Natalia, see you again… Jan
Noblesse Unic
Hello Jan. We are happy because you had such a great time in our erotic massage parlor. Natalia says thanks for your nice words.
Comments are closed.