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Noblesse Unic

Frequently Asked Questions

You are allowed to gently touch the girl, as long as you do not produce her discomfort. It is better to talk with the girls about what discomfort means for her, before acting… You may touch the masseuse girl with care, not to hurt her and not  to make her feel bad. Use your common sense. How much is allowed to touch her depends of how polite you are and sometimes (in some cases only) depends also how much tips you are willing to give. If the girl does not allow you to touch her body at all, please report her to the reception as this means she is breaking the rules. Our general advice is: be a gentleman! If you feel good and prefer to give some tips to the girls is your decision, we are not involved and tips is not mandatory. If you are rude and trying to abuse the girl verbally or phisically, first she will try to explain you that you are breaking the rules and she will try to calm you down. If you do not understand, extremely rarely, girls use their right to quit the massage session and report the individual who break the rules and disturb them too much.
We respect 100% your privacy. We never call back our customers, unless they ask us to do this. If you make an appointment and not show up, we will not call you to check why you didn’t come or why you are late. We do not keep any database with our customers phone numbers or emails for later use. We do not use your contact details for any marketing purpose and all information about you or your bookings are kept strictly confidential.
You may opt for the girl to have the panties and/or the bra on if you are too shy… However the price of massage session is it the same as with the girl naked.
Yes is it true. Happy ending is done by massage techniques. But please read the story below: We are a massage parlor acting in erotic field restricted by rules, but nobody respect rules 100% in any work place of any field, so what is happening in the massage room it’s about chemistry that develops between every two adult individuals. Before entering in massage room, the receptionist and the girls explain you in detail the rules and you must agree with them. We have for example one rule that says that is mandatory to take a shower before using any of our services. Amongst other rules, our most important rules says that there is no oral or normal sex involved between our girls and customers. Our massage parlor offers erotic massage as described in dedicated page and charge for this kind of service at reception desk. We are not advertising or promoting any other “extra services” and we don’t get any advantage if “extra services” are performed by the girls. Beside these, there are some customers who claim that they got more than erotic massage in our location. This could be true, whilst we took all precautions to avoid this happening. If in the room you get more than erotic massage from the chosen girl, it is not necessary depending about how rich you are. You might either be handsome, in great shape, smelling good or just lucky, it is hard for us to control what is truly happening in the massage room. It’s mostly random and we don’t know why, for example, your friend told you he got more than erotic massage while you had a standard session. By telling you this we don’t want to discourage anybody from visiting us, we are just honest and we are confident in our services and we still think we offer so much value and a great time for the money you pay at reception. We do not blame you because you are a man and have natural feelings. Every single man think of having sex when he sees a nice woman. Double this feeling because both individuals are naked. Any type of massage (even old-style dressed one) are producing a relaxing sensation, and erotic massage is bringing even more intense sensations. The girls manage to make most of the customers happy and we are receiving great feedbacks. We do not ask for testimonials, but some of the feedbacks are posted directly on the website as comments from previous guests. We have a lot of happy regulars and probably their loyalty means a lot for the girls, they feel good and come back from time to time. Our girls are open minded, young educated persons who are doing this activity as their job, but they are not prostitutes, and the masseuses have the right to cancel any massage session if you don’t respect the rules or you are using any violent language or behavior. In this unpleasant situation you will not be refunded. In our country, Romania, prostitution is not legal. We are a legal entity, we follow the laws and also our internal rules and our girls are also our employees. If you search for a place to pay for sex and be served, we are not that type of location. Our girls still risk their job if they are caught offering paid sex to customers.
Our location is very special, the atmosphere is very nice. Because it combines the massage rooms, the SPA area and the lounge bar, the girls offer to all customers very pleasant moments, not only a good massage. That’s why we strongly believe that you must to come to our place to enjoy us in full. Despite this, we are conveniently located downtown Bucharest and we are legal and very safe also. You will find a lot of beautiful young ladies once you arrive. So to be straight, the answer is no, we do not send girls to hotel.
Because you are reading these lines, we care about you even if you want to go somewhere else and give you few advices: – take care where you go, not all locations are safe, even downtown Bucharest – don’t always trust the taxi drivers, they might just be interested to take some of your money back from remote locations, as a reward to deliver you to some places – choose reliable massage parlors and ask for the printed rates to avoid being charged more – if you don’t know too much about your destination, take care of your wallet and your values – if the place don’t look clean and you are suspicious about your security, it’s better to leave, it is better to avoid any risks – do not search for cheapest places, consider your health and security more important than the amount of money you pay for any services Despite all of this, Bucharest have one of the lowest crime rates of all capitals in Europe. It is a nice city, with beautiful women and great prices for everything, including accommodation, food and entertainment. Take care and have a nice time in Romania!
Erotic Massage

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  • Sal
    Posted 5 November 2023 at 7:46

    Can I pay with a credit card?

    • Noblesse Unic
      Posted 29 January 2024 at 14:43

      Hello Sal, yes you can pay with a credit card. At the moment we don’t process online payments therefore you can pay by credit card in our reception area, upon your arrival.

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